Arch Linux is great way to learn, e.g. installing Arch Linux booting over the network. As is usual with Arch Linux, the documentation for the process is excellent. Surprisingly, a mirror in India gave an excellent speed and low latency so even the first stage went well.
Since I was experimenting with ipxe, I decided to install Arch Linux using the iso and ipxe. Using dnsmasq was no problem. However, since I use Fedora and the default is dhcpd, I wanted to make it work with dhcpd. The problem was finding the equivalent options of dhcp-option-force.
The issue was that the client would try to search for cfg file as per its rules and ignore the specification in the dhcpd configuration file. The solution was available on the syslinux wiki in response to
Since I was experimenting with ipxe, I decided to install Arch Linux using the iso and ipxe. Using dnsmasq was no problem. However, since I use Fedora and the default is dhcpd, I wanted to make it work with dhcpd. The problem was finding the equivalent options of dhcp-option-force.
The issue was that the client would try to search for cfg file as per its rules and ignore the specification in the dhcpd configuration file. The solution was available on the syslinux wiki in response to
Can I send information to PXELINUX via special options in the DHCP response?It is much harder syntax than the dnsmasq's dhcp-option-force but worked.